Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Character Building PAUD - 8th May 2015

Name : Eunike Gabriella
NIM : 1801427910
Major : International Business & Management

So it was our last meeting today. It's hard for our group to say goodbye with them. Not forever but we're not going to teach them and we wouldn't come there every week anymore. So for our last meeting we make some science practicum that really easy and fun for the kids. Because it's also happened in Friday, the class are joint together to watch the science practicum.

The first one, my friend Jovita and Mitha, are make a practicum by creating tornado with water. They fill one plastic bottle with another bottle and they joint them with a cap that already being made by Mitha that creating a small hole to create the tornado effect. The kids are really curious until they cam closer to them .

The next one is my project with Milka, which is separating the egg yolks from the white. But because i'm too nervous, it keep slippin' and i'm just did it once. It's kinda hard for them but they still having fun.

 So at the end of the science show, we gave the kids some present for them. We also give a class tools and standing fan to the school.

 Hope we can meet around soon! Thankyou for the opportunity, Bu :)

Character Building PAUD - 30th April 2015

Name : Eunike Gabriella
NIM : 1801427910
Major : International Business & Management

So it's my third meeting and i'm really excited to teach them because our group has been doing mid term exam at our university so we happened to came that date.
And we really surprise because there are no school activities because it's their Graduation Day Photoshoot. Everyone are being busy to do make up, fitting clothes, gather the kids, and so on. Even the moms are step to the field and help the teachers. And we also help them by gather the kids and sing a long with them. We also take a photoshoot with the kids and teachers. And after that, they having their break time, and class dismissed. They are really pretty and amaze me because when i was in the kindergarden i didn't have a graduation day photoshoot hehe

Character Building - 15th April 2015

Name : Eunike Gabriella
NIM : 18014727910
Major : International Business & Management

So it's my second meetings to teach kids at PAUD An-Nur.

Today the class start normally at 9 am. And i'm teaching the big class and we learn about shape. Me and my group teach them all kinds of shape through the wood blocks that the school provide us. We also teach them how to say it in English.
They were really excited because they can get to know about shape not just by see it but also by feel it with touching the blocks.
We also made a little blocks competition for them so they can think creatively and try their hard to get presents.

And the winner is Cahaya. And we give her a little present which is a minion key chain. She really love it even though she didn't show her expression much haha
It's been a fun day today that we can one step closer to the kids :)  

Character Building PAUD - April 1st 2015

Name : Eunike Gabriella
NIM : 1801427910
Major : International Business & Management

So hello everyone, i want to share you guys all of my experience for the past 1 month, to fulfilled my assignment to teach kids at PAUD An-Nur in South Tangerang for 4 meetings. And it was a really nice memory. 

So my first meeting is on April 1st 2015, my group : Adinda, Dejan, Jovita, Milka, Priska, Tiara, was already attend their first meeting at 25th March 2015, but because i have my own personal matter, i couldn't come with them at the first meeting :( 

The class start at 9 am. Me with Milka are teaching playgroup kids and we were teaching them to make something like a toy that made from origami. It was hard for them at the beginning but they really enjoyed it and became really curious and can't wait to see the result. And after 30 minutes, they finally did it! A colourful toy, and they promise to show it to their parents :) 

It was a really fun day and my first time experience teaching kids that are really young. I even didn't realize how the time flies by.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Run for Leprosy 2015 at Alam Sutera

#RunforLeprosy2015 by Teach For Indonesia and Bina Nusantara University 

Kesan dan pesan saya sebagai pelari di event ini adalah saya merasa acara ini sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya untuk kalangan anak muda saja tetapi juga untuk semua umur baik dari anak kecil sampai orang tua. Karena selain kita mendapat keuntungan berolahraga dari berlari, kita juga sekaligus melakukan kegiatan amal bagi sadara kita yang menderita penyakit kusta. Semoga acara ini akan terus diadakan tiap tahunnya dan anyak muncul kegiatan lain yang menggabungkan olahraga dengan kegiatan amal lainnya. 

Penyakit Kusta atau lepra adalah penyakit infeksi kronis yang disebabkan bakteri Mycrobacterium leprae dan Mycrobacterium lepromatosis. Penyakit ini adalah tipe penyakit granulomatosa pada saraf tepi dan mukosa dari salran pernapasan atas; dan lesi pada kulit adalah tanda yang bisa diamati dari luar. Bila tidak ditangani, kusta dapat sangat progresif, menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit, saraf-saraf, anggota gerak, dan mata. Tidak seperti mitos yang beredar di masyarakat, kusta tidak menyebabkan pelepasan anggota tubuh yang begitu mudah, seperti pada penyakit tzaraath. 

Saya berkomitmen untuk ikut berpartisipasi membantu para saudara kita diluar sana yang menderita penyakit kusta. Apakah itu dengan donasi untuk obat-obatan, ataupun dengan mensupport mereka lewat media massa, dll. Saya juga berkomitmen untuk tidak memandang negatif penyakit kusta apalagi dengan orang-orang yang mengidapnya. Dan penyakit kusta itu mereka dapat bukan karena mereka menginginkannya, tetapi itu bisa disebabkan oleh penyakit genetika ataupun kontak dengan penderita lain. Sehingga itu bukan salah mereka, jika mereka mengidap penyakit kusta.

Menurut saya, harus ada banyak kunjungan ke daerah-daerah khususnya daerah terpencil yang banyak berpotensi adanya bakteri penyebab penyakit kusta, supaya mereka aware tentang bahaya nya keadaan sekitar mereka. Harus juga ada kegiatan bermanfaat seperti Run For Leprosy ini untuk memperkenalkan penyakit kusta lebih luas ke kalangan masyarakat dengan cara yg menarik dan kreatif sehingga masyarakat ikut berpartisipasi membantu dengan cara mendonasikan dan mensupport para penderita melalui lari bersama untuk mendukung mereka berjuang melawan penyakitnya.

Semangat berjuang saudara-saudara ku! Kami berada di sekeliling mu !

Senin, 12 November 2012

Replikasi DNA

Replikasi DNA adalah proses perbanyakan DNA yang akan bermanfaat ketika sel akan membelah untuk memperbanyak jumlah sel.
Konsep yang penting untuk dipahami adalah
1. Replikasi terjadi dalam dua arah yang berbeda (bidireksional)
2. Setiap pemanjangan rantai DNA baru akan diawali oleh primer
3. enzim DNA polimerase hanya aktif melakukan replikasi DNA pada arah 3′-5′ rantai DNA.  Keadaan ini menyebabkan proses pemanjangan rantai nukleotida hanya berjalan normal pada salah satu rantai DNA.
4. pada rantai DNA yang lain akan terbentuk okazaki fragmen untuk melakukan pemanjangan rantai DNA yang baru.
5. Fragmen yang terputus-putus kemudian akan disambung dengan enzim ligase.